Horror-Movie Questionnaire
1. How old are you?
12-14 15-17
18-20 21+
2. How often do you watch horror movies?
Every week Every 2-3 weeks
Every month
Every time another horror movie is released
3. What is your favourite sub genre within the genre of horror?
Teen Slashers’ Zombie
Religious/ Vampire
4. What is your favourite movie from the sub-genre you have chosen above and why?
5. Rank these films in order of preference, 1 being the best, 5 being the worst.
Rec Dawn of the The Blair Friday Scream
Dead Witch Project the 13th
6. Which horror films did you dislike the most and why?
7. What do you like most in Horror movies?
8. What do you think has the most impact within a horror movie?
Character Settings
9. Who would you like to be seen as the leading character/survivor?
10. Who is your favourite survivor and why?
11. What attracts you to a horror movie trailer?
Characters Editing
Other- please specify
12. What do you consider to be the main convention of a horror movie?
13. Do you prefer horror movie trailers to leave you guessing and why?
14. How do you find out about horror movies?
Billboards Official film posters
Other-please specify
15. What style of films do you prefer to watch horror movies and why?
Stand alone Sequels
Trilogies Franchises
16. How do you consume in media products?
Cinema DVD/Blu-ray
Thank you for participating in this survey.
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